Each team should complete this load-in survey by Sunday, March 3, 2019 to reserve its load-in time slot.
- Pits will be open for Load-in on Wednesday, 5:00PM - 8:00PM. Teams must arrive no later than 7:30PM for Wednesday load-in.
- Load-in Wednesday, 5-8; Teams are strongly encouraged to schedule their arrival and load-in slot by completing our survey. Unscheduled teams may experience unloading delays.
- Drivers of load-in vehicles must stay with their vehicle when it is being unloaded and move it from the drop off point as soon as it is emptied.
- Teams dropping off robots and equipment will be allowed five (5) people into the building. Ideally, each team will have two adults present during load-in,
one to stay with the vehicle and one to accompany students to the pits. An adult must be in the pits whenever students are in the pits. If the driver is the
only adult team member present during load-in, students may not bring the team's equipment and supplies inside until the driver parks the delivery vehicle
and accompanies the students into the pits. If desired, Load-in volunteers can help by bringing your team's equipment and supplies to your pit while students
wait for driver to park the vehicle.
- Teams must bring the robot in the sealed bag. DO NOT OPEN THE ROBOT SHIPPING BAG during the load-in period.
- Teams may use as much time as needed within the allotted hours to set up their pit, however the team must leave the pits immediately after their pit is set up
or at 8:00PM. Teams can expect to be asked to leave by event personnel if it is noted that their pit set up is complete and they have not yet left the pit area.
- Each team’s pit area must be in a safe state when the team leaves after load-in.
- The Wednesday load-in period ends 8:00PM and all team members must exit the building by this time.
Teams who prefer may load-in on Thursday morning and should make every effort to arrive [prior to] between 7:30AM and 8:30AM to avoid delays. Load-in opens on Thursday at 7:45AM.
Currently unavailable.
- All robots must remain in sealed bags during load-in. No work on robots or robot-related materials, such as withholding allowance items, is allowed.
Teams may plug chargers in and start charging batteries.
- All teams should have their team numbers clearly visible on the outside of the bag and have their original paperwork for Bag and Tag inspection
affixed to the bag. Tape will be available from Pit Administration.
- Any structures erected in the pits must be under 10’ tall and remain within the team’s 10’ x 10’ pit footprint, including the height of signs, flags,
banners, etc.) Canopies and other covering above any pit structure or outside the 10' x 10' pit boundaries will not be allowed for safety purposes.
Teams can expect event personnel to ask that these structures and items to be removed.
- Each pit must be in a safe configuration when team members complete their pit set up.
Option 1:
Load-in/out for all vehicles except buses. Team drop-off/pick-up is not permitted from this approach.
GPS Address: 80 Peck Drive, Troy, NY, 12180
Option 2:
Load-in/out for buses. Team drop-off/pick-up is permitted from this approach.
GPS Address: 20 Georgian Court, Troy, NY, 12180. This will put you in front of the arena.
LOAD-IN PROCEDURE 2019 (printable PDF)
Currently unavailable.